1. Chapter I. Various American cuisine
1.1 Hot dogs
1.2 Hamburgers
1.3 Doughnuts
1.4 Apple pie
Возможно вы искали - Реферат: Австралийская кухня
1.5 Potato chips
1.6 Coca-Cola
1.7 Pop- Corn
2. Chapter II. Hospitality of Ukrainian cuisine
2.1 Overview of Ukrainian cuisine history
Похожий материал - Курсовая работа: Алкогольні напої
2.2 Cuisines of Ukraine
2.3 Preparation methods of Ukrainian cooking
2.4 Special equipment of Ukrainian cooking
2.5 Ukrainian food traditions and festivals
3. Chapter III. Table manners
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Have you ever stopped to really think about what you and your family eat every day and why? Have you ever stopped to think what other people eat? In the movie Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, there are two scenes in which the two lead characters are offered meals from a different culture. One meal, meant to break the ice, consisted of insects. The second meal was a lavish banquet that featured such delicacies as roasted beetles, live snakes, eyeball soup, and chilled monkey brains for dessert. Some cultures eat such things as vipers and rattlesnakes, bush rats, dog meat, horsemeat, bats, animal heart, liver, eyes, and insects of all sorts.
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The manner in which food is selected, prepared, presented, and eaten often differs by culture. Americans love beef, yet it is forbidden to Hindus, while the forbidden food in the Moslem and Jewish cultures is normally pork, eaten extensively by the Chinese and others. In large cosmopolitan cities, restaurants often carter to diverse diets and offer “national” dishes to meet varying cultural tastes. Feeding habits also differ, and the range goes from hands to chopsticks to full sets of cutlery. Even when cultures use a utensil such as fork, one can distinguish a European from an American by which hand holds the implement. Subcultures, too, can be analyzed from this perspective, such as the executive’s dining room, the soldier’s mess… or the ladies’ tea room, and the vegetarian’s restaurant.
Often the differences among cultures in the foods they eat are related to the differences in geography and local resources. People who live near water (seas, lakes, and rivers) tend to eat more fish and crustaceans. People who live in colder climates tend to eat heavier, fatty foods. However, with the development of a global economy, food boundaries and differences are beginning to dissipate: McDonalds is now on every continent except Antarctica, and tofu and yoghurt are served all over the world. [5., 324]
The aim of the course paper is to identify two absolutely different types of cuisines and to analyze the right behavior during the meal.
The subjects of the work are features of national cuisine and table manners.
The object of the course paper is the wide range of dishes, the comparison of Ukrainian and American cuisine and table manners.
Похожий материал - Курсовая работа: Анализ ассортимента и товароведная характеристика пюреобразных плодоовощных консервов для детского питания
The objectives of the course paper are as follows:
· to compare the Ukrainian and American cuisine;
· to study the wide range of dishes which were mentioned in the course paper;
· to review table manners;