Реферат: Saki

’s “The Interlopers” Vs. Callaghan’s “All The Essay, Research Paper

In the story The Interlopers, Saki writes about

two families that have been feuding for generations. He writes about how ?interlopers?

stop them from rivaling, and eventually bring the two of them to be friends

only minutes before they are eaten by wolves. He does this by using dramatic

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irony. Through the character?s words he tells us what the two will do when

they get back to town now that they are friends. This leads you to believe

that the feud is over and everything is all right. The author then, however,

allows the characters to be eaten by wolves; contrary to the resolution that

could be concluded from the explanation and/or foreshadowing of the resolution.

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Saki?s purpose for writing this story was probably to get across the point

that you should not hold long grudges, especially without knowing the reason,

or it might be too late to apologize. His unorthodox style of writing however

does achieve his purpose. The characters in his story finally make-up, but

then they are eaten and do not have

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the chance to tell their families of

the news. If you could continue the story, you would probably be able to assume

that then the families continued to feud.

The story All the Years of

Her Life by Morley Callaghan, on the other hand, contrasts greatly with The

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Interlopers in this area. In the story All the Years of Her Life, Callaghan

writes about a young boy who works at a thrift store and is caught stealing

merchandise one day. By the young boy, Alfred, getting in trouble it affects

his mother; upsets and embarrasses her, and by watching his mother cry Alfred

matures. The story contrasts to The Interlopers because the author gives you

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vivid clues to what will be the resolution and there are no tricks or twists.

Alfred is confronted by Mr. Carr, the store clerk, and is caught. Mr. Carr

then calls Alfred?s mother, Mrs. Higgins, to stop by because Alfred is in trouble.

Mrs. Higgins arrives and Mr. Carr makes clear to her the situation. She asks