Реферат: The Rise And Fall Of Prohibition In

Canada Essay, Research Paper


History 2222B: Rough Justice

“Though all the winds of doctrine were let loose to play upon

the earth, so Truth be in the field, we do injuriously by

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licensing and prohibiting to misdoubt her strength. Let her and

Falsehood grapple; who ever knew Truth put to the worse, in a

free and open encounter.”

– Areopagitica

Canadian Temperance groups began to rally for prohibition

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during the 1840’s and 1850’s. It was not until after World War

I began in 1914, that the temperance groups’ support for

prohibition grew. A need for grain for the armed forces was

viewed as a major catalyst for Canada’s Prohibition Law.

Although Canada’s Prohibition Era only lasted two years from

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1917 to 1919, it created the stage for many historic successes

and failures in Canada. This paper looks at the emergence,

successes, and failures of Prohibition of Alcohol in Canada.

Particular emphasis is placed upon Nova Scotia that, along with

Manitoba, scored a large majority in favour of prohibition

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during the national plebiscite on the matter held by the Laurier

Federal Government in 1898.1 This national support of

prohibition, when provinces in Canada were only moderately in

favour, and Quebec strongly opposing,2 created an interesting

paradox in the shaping of Canada’s history.

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Though largely seen unfavourably today, prohibition did

have some partially successful facets in its overall focus.

Prohibition forces argued that alcohol led to an increase in

crime and other anti-social behaviours. Substantial reductions