Реферат: Proposal of joint european project CHAIN-E

We enclose documentation confirming that the other consortium members in the project have endorsed the content of the application.

Name of the coordinating institution : University of Ghent (Belgium).....................................................................

Name of the Coordinator :...................................................... Name of the legal representative :......................................

Mrs. Lieve Bracke...................................................................... Prof. Jacques Willems.............................................................

Function: Director International Relations Office............... Function: Rector......................................................................

Возможно вы искали - Реферат: The enlargement of the European Union

Done at: the University of Ghent............................................ Done at: the University of Ghent.........................................

Date:............................................................................................. Date:..........................................................................................

Signature:..................................................................................... Signature...................................................................................

Official stamp or seal of the coordinating institution



C reation of the

Похожий материал - Реферат: The teaching of Hugo Gratius

H igher

A cademic

I nternational

N etwork for

E conomists

Очень интересно - Реферат: Інтеграція України до ЄС. Шляхи і перспективи розвитку


Specific objective:

Creation of a mobility network for students in economics based on internationalised curricula in the field of financial and industrial management, banking and insurance.

In which language do you wish to receive future correspondence? :

English French German

Вам будет интересно - Реферат: Агрессия Японии в Северо-восточном Китае

Subject Area Code: 240 (Economics)

Project Coordinator (contact person at the coordinating and contracting institution):

Title: Mrs. First name: Lieve..................................... Last name: Bracke.................................................

Sex: M F

Name of the institution: University of Ghent

Похожий материал - Реферат: Аналіз сучасного стану економічної співпраці України з західноєвропейськими державами і розробка шляхів її поширення

Name of the department or faculty: International Relations Office

Address: Het Pand, Onderbergen 1

Country: Belgium.......................................... Post code: 9000.................... Town: Ghent

Phone: 32/9/264.82.38................................. Fax: 32/9/264.83.99............ E-mail: Lieve.Bracke@rug.ac.be