Exercise 5. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous. 1. Yesterday the sun (shine) when I (cycle) to school. 2. When I (come) home it (get) dark. 3. (He carry) a briefcase when you (see) him? 4. Tom (still read) when the phone (ring). 5. When I (look) for my needle-work the lights (go) out. 6. I (not know) he (prefer) tea to coffee. 7. He (practise) the violin, so he (not hear) me come in. 8. We (have) dinner when John (arrive). 9. Mary (know) that her husband (love) fishing. 10. She (still live) at the seaside when her parents die. 11. Lucy (dance), but when she (see) me she(stop). 12.The phone (ring) just as I (dress). 13. As a child I (always go) to the seaside in July. 14. The bride (wear) a while dress are (carry) a bouquet of lilies. 15.I (see) the teacher while I (go) to school.


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