РАСКРОЙ СКОБКИ, УПОТРЕБЛЯЯ ГЛАГОЛА В PRESENT SIMPLE, PRESENT CONTINUOUS, PRESENT PERFECT! 1. i often (to go) to see my friends 2.MAry (to call) her som now? 3.John already (to have) breakfast? 4.We just(to meet) our friends 5.You9to wrire) now? 6.her mother (to cook) dinner every day 7.I just(to see) her at school 8.Dad (to go) to the park every evening 9.Mary and John (to make) a cake now 10 Max(to help) her mother every day 11,Usually Mary (prepare) Her breakfast herself 12.Bob already (to do) his homework 13.Sam and Nick (to read) a book now?

Nika Lastovka
08-12-2013 03:34

Go Is Mary calling .... Has John already had... We have just met.. Are you writing Cooks I have just seen Goes Are making Helps Prepares Bob has already done Are Sam and Nick reading..

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