Choose the appropriate verb forms to complete the sentences. 1) I ... this camera for ages. a) have had b) have been having 2) Your eyes look red. … ? a) Have you cried? b) Have you been crying? 3) The Browns ... in this house since they moved to Brighton. a) lived b) have been living 4) Why is mum so angry? What ...? a) have I done b) have I been doing 5) Anna is an old friend of mine. I … her since my first year at school. a) have known b) know 6) Oh, that’s you, Mike! Where ... ? a) have you been b) were you 7) The taxi ... yet. a) has not arrived b) has not been arriving 8) We … for you for about an hour. a) have waited b) have been waiting 9) — Why are your hands so dirty? — I ... flowers in the garden. a) have planted b) have been planting 10) Jane ... her watch again and can’t find it. a) has lost b) has been losing

17-02-2014 19:15

1) a 2) b  3) b 4) a 5) a 6) a 7) a 8) b 9) b 10) a

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