1. ... Smiths have a dog and a cat.(the...A) 2.He knows how to work on ... computer.(aan...) 3.She was the first women to swim across ... English Channel.(a...he) 4.Go down ... Kingston Street and turn left into Oxford Street.(thea...) 5.I don like milk in ... tea.(...hea) 6.At the end of ... busy day, sleep is the best way to restore your energy.(thea...) 7.Well go for a walk if ... weather is fine.(a...he) 8.Could you give me ... information I asked for in my letter?(the...a) 9.... war id a terrible thing.(the...a) 10.Spent ... very interesting holiday in England.(thea...)


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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Лучший ответ на вопрос «1. ... Smiths have a dog and a cat.(the...A) 2.He knows how to work on ... computer.(aan...) 3.She was the first women to swim across ... English Channel.(a...he) 4.Go down ... Kingston Street and turn left into Oxford Street.(thea...) 5.I don like milk in ... tea.(...hea) 6.At the end of ... busy day, sleep is the best way to restore your energy.(thea...) 7.Well go for a walk if ... weather is fine.(a...he) 8.Could you give me ... information I asked for in my letter?(the...a) 9.... war id a terrible thing.(the...a) 10.Spent ... very interesting holiday in England.(thea...)» от пользователя Далия Бондаренко в разделе Английский язык. Задавайте вопросы и делитесь своими знаниями.

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