Напишите на английском про акулу

Лера Крутовская
22-09-2014 03:41

Shark - the name of the collective. There shark white, blue, tiger, cat, soups, herring, shark fox, Nurse Sharks, hammerhead shark. Scientists account for 350 species of fish. And only 27 of them are accused of attacks on humans. And at a few observed only once. There are quite small sharks, not larger than a pencil and weighing about 200 grams, and there are huge - up to 20 meters in length. The weight of such giants as high as 20 tons. The largest shark - are two types - the whale and giant, never attack a human. They feed on plankton and small fish, filtering water through thousands of tiny teeth. Aggressive and dangerous considered white shark. It reaches 5 - 6-meter-long, occasionally up to 12. But the white shark - a rare fish

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