Даю 65 баллов! 1. Captain Edward John Smith was … captain of the Titanic. a) a b) an c) the d) – 2. He believed he could prove that the Titanic was … fastest passenger liner in … world. a) a, the b) the, the c) the, a d) – , – 3. It was the middle of April when Captain Smith led … ship to … north. a) a, the b) the, the c) the, a d) – , the 4. He didn’t expect … any icebergs at that time of the year, besides the Titanic was believed to be … unsinkable ship. a) – , the b) the, the c) the, a d) – , an 5. But when Captain Smith understood his mistake he helped to evacuate … passengers and died … hero. a) a, the b) the, the c) the, a d) the ,

22-09-2014 04:15

1a .2b. 3b. 4 d/ 5 c/

22-09-2014 13:17

1. С 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.в последнем сначала the а потом должно быть died as a hero но такого варианта почему-то нет

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