Complete each space witn one word/ 1.There .... any cupboards in the kitchen but there are some shelvel. 2. ...... there many people at the football match last night? 3. Oh no! the baby .... crying again/ 4. she usually /////// trousers but today shes wearing a skirt/. 5.theres ////// milk in the fridge if you want it. //// sandwiches do you want? 7.were ///// to visit our cousing at the weekend. 8. when ///// you going to get married?

13-05-2015 15:18

1.There arent any cupboards in the kitchen but there are some shelvel.2. .... there many people at the football match last night?3. Oh no! the baby are crying again/4. she usually wear trousers but today shes wearing a skirt/.5.theres ////// milk in the fridge if you want many sandwiches do you want?7.were going to visit our cousing at the weekend.8. when are you going to get married?Вот, сколько знаю, столько написала

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