Поставьте глагол в правильную форму, перевидите и завершите предложения: find, fall, keep, leave, meet, sell, hurt, cost, give,write, teach, put.1. We needed some money, so we ... our car.2. They ... last Saturday as usuall.3. I ... a pet-dog when I was a boy.4. Who ... the window open last night?5. Mary ... down the stairs this morning and ... her leg.6. She ... a dress which ... a lot of money.7. I ... this box on the beach yesterday.8. He ... me this beautiful bag.9. I ... him on the way to the University.10. She ... me to read and write.11. A. Christie ... many novels and stories.12. I ... all your books on the shelf over there.

Manana Antonenko
30-03-2016 21:24

1.sold, 2. met, 3. kept, 4. left, 5. fell, hurt, 6. found (или sold), cost,  7. found, 8. gave, 9. met, 10. taught, 11. wrote, 12. put.

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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Лучший ответ на вопрос «Поставьте глагол в правильную форму, перевидите и завершите предложения: find, fall, keep, leave, meet, sell, hurt, cost, give,write, teach, put.1. We needed some money, so we ... our car.2. They ... last Saturday as usuall.3. I ... a pet-dog when I was a boy.4. Who ... the window open last night?5. Mary ... down the stairs this morning and ... her leg.6. She ... a dress which ... a lot of money.7. I ... this box on the beach yesterday.8. He ... me this beautiful bag.9. I ... him on the way to the University.10. She ... me to read and write.11. A. Christie ... many novels and stories.12. I ... all your books on the shelf over there.» от пользователя Радмила Осипенко в разделе Английский язык. Задавайте вопросы и делитесь своими знаниями.

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