Вставьте 1 any 2 how much 3 how many 4 some No, there isn t ... milk in the fridge.But there is ... butter and a little cheese. OK.Have we got ... bread? Yes.But we haven t got ... biscuits and there is only a little sugar and marmalade. What about pasta?... have we got? There is ... . But I think we have to buy pasta.There isn t enough. ... eggs are there in the fridge? Only three eggs.Mum, can I have ... apple juice? Of course.  только надо седня закончить

29-08-2016 21:41

1.some2.any3.how many4.how vuch5anny6/how many

Владислав Кондратенко
30-08-2016 04:04

No, there isn t any milk in the fridge. But there is some butter and a little cheese. OK. Have we got any bread? Yes. But we haven t got any biscuits and there is only a little sugar and marmalade. What about pasta? How much have we got? There is some. But I think we have to buy pasta. There isn t enough. How many eggs are there in the fridge? Only three eggs. Mum, can I have some apple juice? Of course.

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