Задание № 5. В предложениях вставьте правильные предлоги после глаголов и прилагательных. В некоторых случаях предлог не требуется: 1. We tried to speak … him, but he did not want to listen … us. He did not even look … us and did not answer … our question. 2. Your brother complains … you. He says you always laugh … him, never speak … him and never answer … his questions. 3. When I entered … the room, everybody looked … me with surprise: they had not expected … me. 4. At the end … the street she turned … the corner, walked … the bus stop and began waiting … the bus. 5. My mother is afraid … rats. 6. “What do you complain … ?” asked the doctor. 7. Yesterday the teacher spoke … us about the architecture … St.Petersburg. 8. We eat soup … a spoon. 9. If you have finished, please turn the light …….. . 10. They had been looking …. a house for over a week before they found one.

15-10-2010 22:16

1 with him, for us, to us, to our.2for you, with him, with him, to the 3to, for, of4of  to   to   for5 this6this7to   in the8 and9 off10 for

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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Лучший ответ на вопрос «Задание № 5. В предложениях вставьте правильные предлоги после глаголов и прилагательных. В некоторых случаях предлог не требуется: 1. We tried to speak … him, but he did not want to listen … us. He did not even look … us and did not answer … our question. 2. Your brother complains … you. He says you always laugh … him, never speak … him and never answer … his questions. 3. When I entered … the room, everybody looked … me with surprise: they had not expected … me. 4. At the end … the street she turned … the corner, walked … the bus stop and began waiting … the bus. 5. My mother is afraid … rats. 6. “What do you complain … ?” asked the doctor. 7. Yesterday the teacher spoke … us about the architecture … St.Petersburg. 8. We eat soup … a spoon. 9. If you have finished, please turn the light …….. . 10. They had been looking …. a house for over a week before they found one.» от пользователя Аида Наумова в разделе Английский язык. Задавайте вопросы и делитесь своими знаниями.

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