Join the sentences using as,when or while,as in the example 1.Tina was cooking .She burnt herself. ...As/When/While Tina was cooking when she buRnt herself. ...Tina was cooking when she burnt herself. 2.Laura was making some tea. She dropped the kettle. 3.Mrs Jason was sitting in the garden . It started raining. 4.Peter was driving his car. He got a flat tyre. 5.She was walking in the park. A got attacked her.

Rnt herself. ...Tina was cooking when she burnt herself. 2.Laura was making some tea. She dropped the kettle. 3.Mrs Jason was sitting in the garden . It started raining. 4.Peter was driving his car. He got a flat tyre. 5.She was walking in the park. A got attacked her.

Карина Азаренко
20-09-2018 04:40

zad2.wolkbeganrepairedarrivedaterangrodedropedsawdrovewatchedbroke downtolkcame zad5.sittingtalkingputtingdoingstandingwearingholdingshoutingwaiting

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