Текст по английскому 12-15 предложений молодежная субкультура

Алина Игнатенко
23-09-2018 23:53

Subculture is a part of the General culture with its distinctive features. Each informal organization has its own rules that govern all the participants. Subculture of youth is a certain deviation from the generally accepted, traditional culture. Although many people have a negative attitude to the punk, hippie, Emo and other representatives of informal groups, not all of them dangerous to society.Each social group or generation has certain views on life. Similarly, the adolescent subculture is only an informal behavior of teenagers. Thus, adolescents run away from the challenges of growing up, conflict at home and school, not willing to solve real problems. For a certain mask they hide their confusion in the face of the future, not implement their own aspirations, but only imitate the idols.

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