Адание 8.2. Переведите предложения с альтерна­тивными вопросами на русский язык. 1. Our family lives in a three-room flat. · Does your family live in a three-room flat or in a house? · It lives in a three-room flat. 2. They went to the same school. — Did they go to the same school or to different schools? — They went to the same school. 3. He will read this book tomorrow. · Will he read this book tomorrow or next week? · He will read it tomorrow. 4. They are playing football now. · Are they playing football or tennis now? · They are playing tennis. 5. Our teacher has told us to write. — Has our teacher told us to write or to read? He has told us to write.

. Our family lives in a three-room flat. · Does your family live in a three-room flat or in a house? · It lives in a three-room flat. 2. They went to the same school. — Did they go to the same school or to different schools? — They went to the same school. 3. He will read this book tomorrow. · Will he read this book tomorrow or next week? · He will read it tomorrow. 4. They are playing football now. · Are they playing football or tennis now? · They are playing tennis. 5. Our teacher has told us to write. — Has our teacher told us to write or to read? He has told us to write.

Егорка Власов
14-12-2018 00:58

Проверенные ответы содержат надёжную, заслуживающую доверия информацию, оценённую командой экспертов. На "Знаниях" вы найдёте миллионы ответов, правильность которых подтвердили активные участники сообщества, но Проверенные ответы - это лучшие из лучших.

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