Помогите пожалуйста!! очень срочно надо. Task V. Translate the passive constructions: The criminal is identified. The guilt of the accused has been proved. The defendant was associated with the crime. The facts are being established with the help of the witness. The suspect will be arrested tomorrow. Task VI. Change the following sentences into the Passive Voice, use the same tense: The police devotes a great part of work to finding missing and wanted persons. The investigating officers have proved the guilt of the suspect. The witnesses presented sufficient physical evidence. The police is looking for a suspect. They proved the connection of the criminal with the offense. Task VII. Compose a sentence in the Passive using the following words: 1. To identify, fingerprints, yesterday 2. Proofs, the crime scene, on, usually, to find 3. The court, to establish, of the crime, the fact 4. Of, the accused, to prove, already, the guilt

. The guilt of the accused has been proved. The defendant was associated with the crime. The facts are being established with the help of the witness. The suspect will be arrested tomorrow. Task VI. Change the following sentences into the Passive Voice, use the same tense: The police devotes a great part of work to finding missing and wanted persons. The investigating officers have proved the guilt of the suspect. The witnesses presented sufficient physical evidence. The police is looking for a suspect. They proved the connection of the criminal with the offense. Task VII. Compose a sentence in the Passive using the following words: 1. To identify, fingerprints, yesterday 2. Proofs, the crime scene, on, usually, to find 3. The court, to establish, of the crime, the fact 4. Of, the accused, to prove, already, the guilt

Злата Лешкова
10-01-2019 06:31

Задача V. Перевести пассивные конструкции:Определяется преступник.Вина обвиняемого доказана.Обвиняемый был связан с преступностью.Факты создаются с помощью свидетеля.Подозреваемый арестован завтра.Задача VI. Измените следующие предложения на пассивном залоге, используйте тот же напряженной:Полиция уделяет большую часть работы по поиску пропавших без вести и разыскиваемых лиц.Следователи доказали вину подозреваемого.Свидетели представил достаточно вещественных доказательств.Полиция ищет подозреваемых.Они доказали связь преступник с преступлением.Задача VII. Составьте предложение в пассивном, используя следующие слова:1. Для идентификации отпечатков пальцев, вчера2. Доказательства, на месте преступления, на, обычно, чтобы найти3. Суд, чтобы установить, преступления, тот факт,4. Из, обвиняемого, чтобы доказать, уже вину

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