Write a letter to Tom. In your letter - tell about your mom - ask 3 questions about his mom Write 100–140 words. Помогите срочно!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
В ПРАВОМ УГЛУ НАПИШИТЕ СВОЙ АДРЕС, ГОРОД И СТРАНУ,А ЕЩЕ ЧИСЛО Dear Tom, Thanks for your letter. It was lovely to hear from you.Sorry I haven’t written for so long but i had problems with my school. You asked me about my mom. Well, i think that my mother is very interesting person. She can support different conversations and she likes to tell funny stories to her friends or to our family. My mother is afraid of spiders and when she sees spiders, she begins to call my dad to kill it. She is a teacher and she loves children ,but sometimes she is very tired after school.And she likes to travell, she wants to go to America and Japan. My mom also heard many stories about you and she wants to meet with you and your family. By the way, how is your mother? Does she like to travel? What kind of movies she prefer? I am sorry, i have to go now. I should do my homework Lots of love, ваше имя(без точек)
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