Choose the advantages/disadvantages. Отнесите к преимуществам или недостаткам следующие выражения. (~) undivided love and attention of parents... (~) "Little Emperor Syndrom e"... (~) get a lot of toys and stuff… (~) child becomes spoilt... (~) get more money and inheritance than normal... (~) grow up to be more independent... (~) children not be able to cope with real problems... (~) children feel lost outside... (~) have siblings to share thoughts and memories with... (~) face an immense pressure...

e"... (~) get a lot of toys and stuff… (~) child becomes spoilt... (~) get more money and inheritance than normal... (~) grow up to be more independent... (~) children not be able to cope with real problems... (~) children feel lost outside... (~) have siblings to share thoughts and memories with... (~) face an immense pressure...

03-03-2019 01:28

1)disadvantages 2)disadvantages 3)advantages 4)disadvantages 5)disadvantages 6)advantages 7)disadvantages 8)disadvantages 9)advantages 10)disadvantages

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$_GET = [
    'id' => '8188961-Choose-the-advantagesdisadvantages-otnesite-k-preimuschestvam-ili-nedostatkam-sleduyuschie-vyragheniya-~-undivided-love-and-attention-of-parents-~-Little-Emperor',
    'url' => 'Syndrom-',