ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, ОЧЕНЬ НАДО, ЗАРАНЕЕ БЛАГОДАРНА! . Write down every sentence three times, forming conditional sentences I, II, III types. 1. If you (not to buy) coffee, we (to drink) tea. 2. If he is free, we certainly (to come) to our party. 3. If you (to spoke), you (to improve) your language skills. 4. If you (to get) a five, your mother (to be) happy. 5. If these shoes (not to be) big for me, I (to buy) them. 6. If you (to ring) me up, I (to tell) you a secret. 7. If you (to be) a poet, you (to write) a beautiful poetry. 8. If he (to come) our house, he (to met) his friends. 9. If he (not to pass) his exam, he (not to get) a scholarship. 10. If I (to be) a famous singer, I (to get) a

we (to drink) tea. 2. If he is free, we certainly (to come) to our party. 3. If you (to spoke), you (to improve) your language skills. 4. If you (to get) a five, your mother (to be) happy. 5. If these shoes (not to be) big for me, I (to buy) them. 6. If you (to ring) me up, I (to tell) you a secret. 7. If you (to be) a poet, you (to write) a beautiful poetry. 8. If he (to come) our house, he (to met) his friends. 9. If he (not to pass) his exam, he (not to get) a scholarship. 10. If I (to be) a famous singer, I (to get) a

03-03-2019 16:04

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