Помогите пожалуйста определить видо-временную форму глагола и его инфинитив! 1. She works at the Ministry of Foreign Trade. 2. I was having dinner when you rang me up. 3. He’ll be waiting for you at seven in the evening. 4. He’s already been here. 5. My friend had left London by the time I got there.

Ayzhan Bahtina
10-03-2010 20:12

1. present simple. work2. past continius. have3.future continius. wait.4. present perfect. be5.past perfect. leave.вроде так)

10-03-2010 23:50

1 works (V1 s)- to work (infinitive)- Present Simple Active2 was having- Past Progressive Active- to have (infinitive)3 rang-Past Simple Active-to ring (infinitive)4 ’ll (will) be waiting- Future Progressive Active -to wait (infinitive)5 ’s (has) been -Present Perfect Active -to be (infinitive)6 had left-Past Perfect Active-to leave(infinitive)7 got-Past Simple Active-to get(infinitive)

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