Реферат: Quality of life and management of living resources

2nd EDITION, DEC 1999 A_PG1_EN_200001.doc


The Guide for Proposers is part of the information necessary to make a proposal for a programme under the Fifth Framework Programme. It will help you to locate the programme which is of interest to you and will provide the necessary guidance on how to submit a proposal and the forms for proposal submission. It is divided into two main parts and four sections.


Section I describes the overall priorities, goals and structures of the Fifth Framework Programme.

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Section II describes the priorities and objectives of the Specific Programme on Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources.

Section III outlines the main rules which define who may participate in the Fifth Framework Programme, and the general conditions for this participation.


Section IV provides detailed information for each CALL FOR PROPOSALS for the programme Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources, as well as proposal submission forms.

The additional documents you will need to prepare a proposal are :


The Work Programme for the Specific Programme you are applying for. The Work Programme provides the description of the content of the ‘action lines’ or ‘research objectives’, which are open for proposals, and an indicative timetable for programme implementation (“roadmap”).

The Call for Proposals as published in the Official Journal of the European Communities. This will tell you which action lines are open for proposals and what the deadline for the proposal submission is.

The Evaluation Manual ( as well as programme specific guidelines that may be included in Part 2 of this Guide). These documents will provide details of which criteria will be used in the evaluation of proposals, which weight is attributed to each of the criteria and where appropriate the threshold to be attained in order to be retained. You can use the evaluation manual and the guidelines as a checklist for the completeness of your proposal.

The Guide for Proposers, including the proposal submissions forms, is together with the Work Programme, the Call for Proposals and the Evaluation Manual the Information Package for a Call. This Guide for Proposers also contains references to other documents, reports, forms and software tools which are of assistance in the preparation of proposals. They are available on CORDIS: http://www.cordis.lu.

This Guide for Proposers does not supersede the rules and conditions laid out, in particular, in Council and Parliament Decisions relevant to the Fifth Framework Programme, the various Specific Programmes nor the Calls for Proposals in these Programmes.

Contents – PART 1

Foreword................................................................................................................................................................ 2

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PART 1........................................................................................................................................................................... 3

I. The Fifth Framework Programme................................................................................................. 3

I.1. Objectives....................................................................................................................................................... 3

I.2. Structure and contents.......................................................................................................................... 3

I.3. Implementation........................................................................................................................................... 4

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Box 1 - Bursaries for young researchers from Developing Countries............... 6

Box 2 - The System of Marie Curie Fellowships....................................................................... 7

II. The Specific Programme: Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources 8

II.1. Programme objectives............................................................................................................................. 8

II.2. Programme strategy............................................................................................................................... 8

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II.3. Programme structure and contents................................................................................................ 8

II.4. Synergies with other programmes.................................................................................................. 10

II.5. Implementation of the programme................................................................................................ 10

II.6. References................................................................................................................................................. 11